Family law often focuses on the rights of the mother when it comes to custody, child support, and visitation. Legal help is now easier to find for fathers who feel that their rights are not being properly defended in the courtroom. Legal areas that are covered under father's rights include child support, custody arrangements, visitation schedules, divorce proceedings, and paternity lawsuits. Fathers who face any of these issues should consult a legal representative who has experience in these areas for help.
The Law Office of Lynn E. Esposito has been exclusively focused on family law cases from the start. The firm provides clients with combined legal experience of over 65 years. Lynn E. Esposito has been practicing law since 1989 and has handled family law cases of all types during this time. The skilled office team provides support to clients and ensures that every client is treated with respect while their case is handled with discretion.
Most parents would prefer to keep custody battles and other family law concerns out of the court, but the fact that each parent has a differing opinion when it comes to the best interest of their children means that both parents need skilled legal representation. Fathers are not always fairly treated by the court. The fact that many courts tend to favor the mother means that fathers need to hire experienced, skilled family law attorneys to fight for their rights.
Lynn E. Esposito, P.C.
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